Friday, September 11, 2009


TheFry has started sharing things.

Sometimes he shares things he likes, such as his pacifier. He will pull it out of his mouth, and with a big grin and a few meaningless utterances he will shove it in your face. As soon as it gets to your mouth, he giggles, and then you can give it back to him successfully. The process is repeated several times until he gets bored.

Usually, however, he shares things he doesn't care for too much. For instance, as breakfast is drawing to a close, he suddenly becomes extremely generous with his eggs. He still manages to stuff his face with crackers, though.

I still can't decide if that glint that shines in his eye before opening drawers, doors, and reaching for electrical cords is pure naughtiness or just delight at my funny reaction. All I know is that my son is irresistably cute.